Therefore you too have grief now; but I will see you again, and your heart will rejoice,
and no one is going to take your joy away from you.John 16:22
The faith of our parish family brings support and strength to those who suffer the loss of someone they love. The celebration of the funeral rites is a great gift to the deceased and an expression of our belief in the spiritual bond that still exists between the living and the dead. Our community of faith is here to accompany the family and the deceased along the Christian journey to our heavenly home.
The sadness of death should give way in our liturgy to the joy and promise of resurrected life. Our celebration of a person’s life should reflect our conviction that in Jesus Christ we have life beyond life. The Rites of Christian Burial in the Catholic Church are meant to show Jesus’ very presence to you.
The Vigil or “Wake” allows you and your family and friends to tell stories about your deceased loved one, to pray together, and relax in the loving presence of Jesus.
The Mass of Christian Burial commends your loved one to Almighty God, united to the one sacrifice of Jesus on the cross, and offers us Holy Communion, even now, as a foretaste of the banquet feast of Heaven.
The Rite of Committal or Burial, returns your loved one to the earth from which humans were formed to await the glorious day of resurrection when death will be no more.
We request that if your loved one’s Funeral Mass or Memorial Service is held somewhere else besides St. Francis Borgia Church, please let the parish office know so that we might pray for them by including them in our weekend intentions at Mass. Praying for the deceased allows us to ask God to receive the deceased in heaven.
When a loved one dies, we recommend that your initial contact is with a funeral home. The Funeral Director will then contact the parish office to schedule the Funeral Mass and confirm the details to you. However, you may also contact the parish directly.
The next step is contacting the parish office to set up a meeting time with Father so that he may offer personal condolences to the family and go over details to properly celebrate the Wake Service, Mass of Christian Burial and Final Commendation at the cemetery, or other liturgies for your loved one. During the planning time, Father will review the Scripture Readings, General Intercessions and Music selections that may be chosen by the family for the Funeral Mass. The Liturgy and Music departments can also choose them for you.
If you have questions regarding funeral planning in general or securing a grave site at the parish cemetery, please contact Donna Holdmeyer at 636-239-6701, ext. 1510.
The reading of the Word of God is integral to the liturgical celebration. In the proclamation of the Word, God speaks to us in our needs, sorrows, fears and hopes. If someone in the family is qualified, they may serve as a lector. Parish lectors are available to read at the Mass if this would best serve the family. Please advise the priest or parish office if you would like a parish lector to be arranged. All lectors at Mass should be practicing Catholics able to receive the Sacraments.
The Funeral Liturgy Planning Guide offers a selection of Scripture Readings. There are usually three readings at a Funeral Mass. Lectors proclaim the first and second readings.
The General Intercessions (also known as the Prayer of the Faithful or Petitions) are prayed after the homily at the Funeral Mass. Families may write their own intercessions or you may use the sample intercessions in the Funeral Liturgy Planning Guide. The Intercessions are normally read by a deacon, if one is present. A family member or friend may also read them. It is requested that a copy of your intercessions are provided to the priest who will be celebrating the Funeral Mass.
Music is also an important part of the funeral rites. An organist, cantor, and, if requested, the Resurrection Choir can assist the assembly’s full participation in singing the songs, responses and acclamations of the funeral liturgy. Suggestions for music for the Funeral Mass are included in the Funeral Liturgy Planning Guide. If you are not familiar with the music for funerals, our Music Director can assist you in making appropriate selections or you may leave the music to her discretion. Other hymns not listed on the sheet may be used as long as they have been approved, are in conformity with the funeral rites and are known by our musicians. Please consult with the Music Director regarding any questions about music or if there is a request for a guest soloist, cantor or instrumentalist. All fees for the musicians, cantors and choir are handled through the funeral director. The funeral director will also contact the organist and servers.
The funeral liturgy provides the possibility of a member or friend of the family to speak in remembrance of the deceased. It is extremely important that what is said should be Christ-centered, and the remarks said show how the person lived their Christian faith. Please refer to the Archdiocesan guidelines below for full details on offering words of remembrance including discussing the message with the priest celebrant.
In order to assist with funeral planning for yourself or a loved one, we have provided you with the planning resources linked below. If you have any questions or need assistance while making selections for a Funeral Liturgy, please contact Donna Holdmeyer at 636-239-6701, ext. 1510. If you do not have electronic access to this information, please call the parish office for a printed copy of the funeral packet.